
Not sure if the system is working, do we really have a Democracy?

Hey Bro? Did Joyce try to pull the wool over our eyes?
Politics · 17 August, 2017

Hey Bro? Did Joyce try to pull the wool over our eyes?

Conspiracy theories are so de rigueur, just ask Julie Bishop 😉 Yesterday we entered day two of #BroGate and mate, didn’t the Government double down on the whole “OMG! Treason! Bill Shorten and the Labor Government conspired with a foreign power”.
bill b
bill b
PM’s Finest Moment? yeah… nah
Politics · 6 August, 2017

PM’s Finest Moment? yeah… nah

The leak of that infamous chat between our Prime Minster Turnbull and the newly elected President Trump – at the time – has been the talk of the town and obviously Twitter exploded, which is always fun to watch. If you have not read the transcript in full, I suggest you do. Amidst the frivolity of [...]
bill b
bill b
The AHA PaTH internship deal looks like an expensive taxpayer funded shout?
Politics · 2 August, 2017

The AHA PaTH internship deal looks like an expensive taxpayer funded shout?

So yesterday I watched the press conference Malcolm Turnbull had with Michaelia Cash to flog the latest ‘coup’ of the AHA (Australian Hotels Association) agreeing to take on 10,000 PaTH Interns over the next 4 years.
Noely Neate
Noely Neate
Respecting of the rule of law ~ What about S44(i) Mr Turnbull? #RulzIsRulz
Politics · 28 July, 2017

Respecting of the rule of law ~ What about S44(i) Mr Turnbull? #RulzIsRulz

I have to admit, I am finding the MYEH! attitude of many in media – and punters – in relation to breaches of Section 44 (i) of the Australian constitution very puzzling. So many of these same people were screeching in horror when Sally McManus stated she had no problems with workers breaking [...]
Why We Should Publicly Fund Elections
Politics · 19 July, 2017

Why We Should Publicly Fund Elections

I was going to start with, “I love Australia”. Maybe I love the concept of loving Australia, maybe I love the Australia I used to know or maybe I just want to love Australia. One thing I do know is that I detest the current state of Australian politics, what it has done to our nation and [...]
bill b
bill b
Party Business is killing good government in Australia
Politics · 16 July, 2017

Party Business is killing good government in Australia

Whole trees have been felled in what media like to refer to as the “protest vote”, though a bit like privatisation - the Voldemort of the Energy debate (HAHA!) - it is rare for them to consider it might be ‘party business’ that is the problem? Often, it will be discussed how both Liberal and [...]
Noely Neate
Noely Neate
Presence and Perspective
Stuff · 13 June, 2017

Presence and Perspective

On Thursday 1 June 2017 Paul attended the She Leads 2017 Conference run by YWCA Canberra. Encouraged to take away at least one thing from the day Paul took away “Presence and Perspective”.
Paul Davis
Paul Davis
Drug-testing blitz catches out Sydney netball squad in cocaine supply ring
Stuff · 22 May, 2017

Drug-testing blitz catches out Sydney netball squad in cocaine supply ring

Latest Headlines...   Drug-testing blitz catches out Sydney netball squad in cocaine supply ring Partner of star netballer left in hospital after domestic abuse…  Netballer retaliates after racist sledge from fans… Match fixing and betting under scrutiny after last night&rsq [...]
Stephen Neate
Stephen Neate
Back to Basics #Auspol on Twitter
Politics · 14 May, 2017

Back to Basics #Auspol on Twitter

On Tuesday (09 May 2017) Caitlin Mary and I did our regular #AuspolPunters podcast on PolitiScope #auspollive, you can listen here if you missed it: #AuspolPunters | Noely and Caitlin | 'Back to Basics'