Election fatigue is setting in for all of us and it is almost
over... We have done our best to get as much info as
possible on all the candidates putting their hand up yelling
“Pick Me” on the 28th of April, but we are missing some, so if
you know the missing candidates, please give them a nudge and
tell them to send their info in to us.
Obviously there are always a number of high profile candidates
that get a lot of media attention, BUT, just because someone has
a high profile, does not necessarily make them the best person
for the job, though does show they know how to get media
attention? You would have ‘heard’ of the 'Chk chk
boom' girl or ‘Party Boy’ Corey, but you sure as hell are not
going to put a tick against their name on a ballot paper?
Same with ‘experience’, that has been bandied around a lot
too. Well, we actually have a handsomely paid CEO at
Council that is supposed to have the experience to make sure that
Council Services and the staff in charge of them do their jobs,
so working previously in Council is not really the biggest issue
and does not necessarily make you best for the job. As
anyone who has had to handle the big job in a sporting
organisation or community group knows, the skills to get everyone
working together for a common goal, listening to all views,
mediating, caring, is a very hard skill to define, YET, when
found, is invaluable.
That is what we need in our council, ‘listeners’, people who will
ensure that Council moves & works in the best direction of
the community. Candidates who want to listen to us (not
bully us), and ensure that we continue to receive the services we
need, (hint – not everything should be a ‘profit centre’ – like
our invaluable libraries & the services they give the
Candidates should also be impartial. There are a lot of
interest groups here on the Coast, most do a very good job of
lobbying Council to ensure that their particular interest is not
forgotten. What is actually forgotten sometimes is
the average ‘joe’ who is too busy working away in a depressed
economy trying to make sure they can pay for the kids next school
excursion? So I urge candidates to actually get out there
and also talk to ‘real’ people in the community, as they are the
vast majority and you are supposed to be their voice and reflect
their needs & attitudes (even if they are different to
My last piece of advice to fellow coasters is to make sure we
don’t have any BULLIES in Council. Council is supposed to
be more of a co-operative, not a dictatorship. Particularly
when it comes to Mayor, who is the most public face on the
Sunshine Coast, make sure you elect a Mayor that actually
reflects our community and WANTS to help build our community, not
someone who is using Local Government as a stepping stone to
higher political office as their primary aim. Council
should be grass roots and community focussed with people who want
to work for the best for the community. Leave the ‘spin’
and ‘PR manipulation’ to the big boys and their political parties
in State & Federal Government.
So while you are sitting back munching away on your Easter Eggs,
relaxing on the public holidays, read for yourselves what
candidates stand for (hell, toss them an email & ask a few
questions or attend a ‘meet the candidates’ forum) as Council
really does set the ‘tone’ for our backyard, so please make your
vote count!
Have a great Easter and DON’T feel guilty about those Easter
Eggs, life is for living, once a year will not hurt you :)
Original Issue #139: "No Big Heads or Bullies need apply!"
The MSC Editors Desk 03 April 2012
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