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Tagged as: herewejohagain

Queensland needs an Upper House and bi-partisan CMC & PCMC
Politics · 5 April, 2014

Queensland needs an Upper House and bi-partisan CMC & PCMC

Queensland, unlike other states in this country does not have an upper house such as a Senate, this is called a ‘Unicameral Legislature’, again, a terminology I have found in recent times, is unknown by many in this state. The Australian Labor Party actually abolished our ‘Queensland Legislative [...]
The Queensland Government is just taking the piss now!
Politics · 28 March, 2014

The Queensland Government is just taking the piss now!

OK I am calling it! The pay rises for Queensland Government politicians is bullshit! I understand that politicians need a decent pay. What I don’t understand after watching the news & reading papers around the traps how over recent years we keep hearing these comparisons to “commensurate remu [...]
Noely Neate
Noely Neate
Why is a cop held to a higher standard of integrity than an MP?
Politics · 18 January, 2014

Why is a cop held to a higher standard of integrity than an MP?

So far our shiny new ‘No Surprises, No Excuses’ Government has been anything but what was promised in that statement at the Liberal launch in August 2013. I will leave it to the policy experts to detail all the surprises and all the excuses we have received in a very short time. What worries me [...]
Noely Neate
Noely Neate
@jackietrad on fire with #poorprem
Politics · 18 January, 2014

@jackietrad on fire with #poorprem

Having said that, I have been really cranky that since Bill Shorten got the top job for the ALP he has been pretty much AWOL. We all remember in the previous Government how you would be watching Sky or ABC24 and the ALP would make a new policy announcement and the very next comment would be, “Now we [...]
Noely Neate
Noely Neate
#VLAD Look over there... Bikies!
Politics · 21 December, 2013

#VLAD Look over there... Bikies!

Friends, Australians, Country-Person’s where is your VLAD outrage? Warning: This rant contains the mangling of famous sayings & serious dripping sarcasm ;-)
KRudd! I've a better line for you: Folks are dumb where I come from
Politics · 28 August, 2013

KRudd! I've a better line for you: Folks are dumb where I come from

WARNING! I will offend in the below, most is said in the most sarcastic tone, visualise red creeping up the neck from Blood Pressure and you will get an idea. I am normally a very proud Queenslander, State of Origin being a highlight of my year and I will cop the red-neck ribbing then, but when [...]