I am not a big fan of the ‘hating on MSM’ club to be found
on Twitter, as I really don’t feel you can lump a whole
profession of Print, Radio & Television Journalists in the
one basket. I have seen some good reports in the Main
Stream Media, albeit not too many in recent months, though they
are there. I also often wonder how much of what we see from
the Journo is actually the individual Journalists choice?
Regardless, the anti-MSM crowd are dead right on one
thing,it does not matter what Prime Minister Gillard says
or does, it will be spun in a negative manner, this has
been patently clear for months and frankly, has gotten to an
embarrassing stage. I am sure there must be some news
anchors out there that see their auto-cue and think to
themselves, “seriously, you want me to read this shit out on
air, again...?”.
This morning alone is a perfect example. By 9am I was
yelling 'for God's sake just shoot me now & put
me out of 'your' misery' at the computer screen
& TV.... All forms of media blaring “OMG! Gillard* has folded
on Victorian Government Hospital funding demands” (or something
similar). In fact, if you actually get past the
derogatory headline “Gillard buys health peace for
$107m”, The Victorian Government has not been given any
money, they (and most likely the Qld Govt) have played silly
buggers, not met the requirements of the agreement, so instead
the funds “will be immediately paid directly to hospital
administrators”. No mention of that in the news
though. I suppose, never let the truth get in the way of a
good story, or PM Bash :( Before any Journalists yell at
me, I have been one of the few actually defending you!
Exhibit A: Eleventy-nomics, Brough, Ashbygate
Trifecta - Proof MSM should not always be a dirty
Another is the non questioning crap. Since when can an
Opposition leader say whatever the hell they like and not be
asked one bloody question, or asked to actually justify, back up
with facts, the assertions being made? The MRRT is a point
in question, the Government has been knocked pillar to post on
not pulling in much cash for it. I have to admit, as a
punter, would have loved to have seen us, the public, get a bit
more of our share. As a small business owner owner, hell,
would love to have even a quarter of the deductions etc., the big
mining companies get UGH! Anyhow, regardless, there are a
lot of factors involved, if you take the party rants out of the
equation the fact is, Original mining tax 'would cost
billions', again, no mention of that around the traps in the
media, just the buried item by a well respected Economics
Correspondent. Speaking of which, I will not even start on
how every single respected Economist said that not trying to get
a surplus was actually a good idea for the country in the current
world economy... Again, never let the truth get in the way of a
good story, or media beat up.
I could write pages of examples, suffice it to say, the ALP will
be gone at the next election and the media are making damn sure
that they are buried. Ms Gillard could perform the miracle
of eradicating world hunger and it would still be spun as
“Gillard enforces will on public” or
“Who was screwed out of the Hunger deal” or
“US unhappy not consulted by Gillard in latest world
domination scheme” You get my gist here, it is really
bloody sad.
Now, I am not sure that the ALP are what is best for this
country. I am not a fan of Single Mothers being kicked in
the guts, also not a fan of the Factional rubbish that goes on
with the ALP internally, it is so not democratic. BUT
punters have a right to ALL OPEN & UNBIAS information to make
their decision, the media are not elected officials and have no
right to push their own agenda on a distracted public that are
conned by the repetitive LNP slogans of “Bad
Government”, “Julia is a
Liar”, “Government in
Chaos” crap. Journalists themselves
acknowledge those assertions are hyperbole, though don’t seem to
feel the need to shout it out?
I know Ms Gillard will not read this, though would love it if she
did, would love it if she rolled the dice, took a massive gamble
on putting the whole leadership rubbish to bed by actually
polling the ALP membership! Think about it,
announcing that every single paid up ALP member could vote on
whether they wanted Ms Gillard or Mr Rudd to lead? Thereby
ending the #Ruddmentum
The ALP have the capability to do it. Would help show that
the ALP is not just Unions, or sinister men in grey suits pulling
strings (as currently portrayed), it is paid up working men &
women who care about the Labor cause (would help dispel some of
the "King of the Spivs - Obeid Family NSW
Labor" drama too, showing the ALP is evolving past that
cronyism?). The flipside is that it would empower the rank
& file members, invigorate them by including them in the
process, which I think would have far reaching benefits to the
party, now and into the future. Would be an awesome coup
that the media would have to report on, could not spin it, could
not carry on after the fact, an awesome Checkmate, with no
further leadership rubbish!
Something brave has to be done to cut through the crap that is
currently streaming live, 24/7 into our lounges. The ALP
will most likely still lose, but at least the media might wake up
to how ridiculous the reporting is getting and the punter can
make their own decision, without their interference.
Being partial to Independents, I would not normally write a ‘pro’
Labor Party rant, but even I have been pushed too far with the
crud being served to me and my sense of justice means that I
thrust into the position of cheering for the ‘Downtrodden
Under-dog”. Then again, as I am always told, I am just a
punter so what the hell would I know ;-)
Noely @YaThinkN
*Of particular mention is the fact that the media very rarely
actually refer to our Prime Minister by her correct title.
The condescending disrespectful ‘Gillard’ seem to now be the
norm. This in itself is terribly poor form. This
apalling lack of respect for office by our own National
Broadcaster, the ABC, displays clearly the depths the media has
plunged themselves down to, Exhibit B: "Prime Minister Julia Gillard and
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott DO NOT deserve Equal Billing!"
and Mr Abbott sure as shit should not have his name preceding the
Prime Ministers on the video title!
Just reminded of this piece of 'opinion' from the Sydney Morning
Herald "Dear Julia, it's time for a dignified
exit speech" My bad, how I could forget this tripe that
horried me so much is amazing, maybe my mind automatically wiped
it like how you don't remember how bad it was changing all those
nappies all those years ago :)
HIGHLIGHT! February 22, 2013
12:00AM "Kevin Rudd's bid to take over as PM from
Julia Gillard is doomed, say feng shui experts", yes you read
that right #Ruddmentum has entered a whole new level of stupidity
where now the thoughts of a feng shui expert are a basis of a
Leadership story... Whatever your politics, this is an all
new low :(
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